TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase is a modified form of Ampliqon Taq DNA Polymerase activated by heat treatment. A chemical moiety is attached to the enzyme, which makes the enzyme inactive at room temperature.
During setup and the first ramp of cycling the enzyme is not active and misprimed primers are not extended. Once the PCR reaction reaches the optimal activation temperature, the chemical moiety is cleaved releasing the active TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase. Resulting in higher specificity, increased sensitivity and greater yield compared to standard DNA polymerases.
TEMPase Hot Start DNA polymerase is manufactured in-house in accordance to our ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, ensuring that each batch possess the same robust performance every time.
TEMPase Hot Start DNA polymerase is available in different standalone variants and master mixes.
Standalone variants are supplied either without buffers or in kits including MgCl2 and one or two Ampliqon PCR buffers to achieve highest PCR performance and to avoid tedious reaction optimisation.
Chemical inactivation of TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase has proven highly effective compared to other inactivation methods such as antibody inactivation. The chemically modified enzyme withstands longer periods of time at room temperature without non-specific PCR amplifications. This feature is useful if you need pre-incubation at elevated temperatures, for example in case of UNG treatment at 50 °C prior to PCR.
TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 5 U/µl has been designed to diminish the formation of non-specific priming events during reaction set-up and the first ramp of thermal cycling. TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase therefore enables detection of low abundance targets as well as multiplexing purposes.
This is a chemically modified version of Ampliqon Taq DNA Polymerase and is activated by heat treatment.
A chemical moiety is attached to the enzyme at the active site, which renders the TEMPase Hot Start enzyme inactive at room temperature.
During set up and the first ramp of thermal cycling, the enzyme is not active and misprimed primers are not extended. Once the PCR reaction reaches the optimal activation temperature, the chemical moiety is cleaved releasing the active TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase. Resulting in higher specificity, sensitivity and yield compared to standard Ampliqon Taq DNA polymerase.
This DNA Polymerase is suitable for detection of low abundance targets, screening, multiplexing, direct colony PCR and Real time PCR applications.
TEMPase Hot Start DNA polymerase also exits in glycerol format for automation and lyophilization: TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase Glyceerol Free
Ampliqon TEMPase is activated by initial heating at 95 °C for 15 minutes. (lane 1). Without activation the enzyme is completely inactive (lane 2). M: marker.
TEMPase Hot Start Master Mix is a ready to use mix that offers easy reaction assembly at room temperature prior to hot start PCR. Just add your template and primers to successfully carry out PCR.
TEMPase Hot Start Master Mix is the popular alternative to TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase. It offers the same excellent performance and increased reproducibility.
Ampliqon TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 2x Master Mix is a ready to use master mix composed of TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2 and either TEMPase Buffer C (a balanced KCI/(NH4)2 SO4 Tris buffer system) or TEMPase Buffer A (a (NH4)2 SO4 tris buffer system).
The TEMPase buffer system covers all needs for PCR applications and allow the user to choose the optimal buffer for specific PCR set-ups and applications.
For most standard applications Master Mix A based on Ammonium Buffer is the best option. It promotes robust amplification, high yield and high specificity. In certain cases, Master Mix C is the best option.
If you want to visualise on agarose gels, we suggest that you choose Master Mix BLUE A or master Mix BLUE C.
TEMPase Hot Start 2x Master Mix BLUE is a time saving alternative to TEMPase Hot Start 2x Master Mix. It offers the same excellent performance. In addition, the blue loading dye facilitates direct gel loading. You do not need a separate loading buffer and time-consuming sample preparation before electrophoresis. This makes TEMPase Hot Start Master Mix BLUE especially suitable for high throughput testing.
This is a ready-to-use 2x master mix composed of dNTPs, a blue loading dye, a stabiliser, MgCl2 and either TEMPase Buffer C (a balanced KCl / (NH4)2 SO4 buffer system) or TEMPase Buffer A (a (NH4)2 SO4 buffer system).
The blue dye and stabiliser do not interfere with the PCR. If necessary, the blue dye can be removed by spin column purification or other methods. Furthermore, PCR products generated using TEMPase Hot Start DNA Master Mix BLUE, can directly be used for sequencing after treatment with either spin columns or PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp.
For most standard applications Master Mix BLUE A based on Ammonium Buffer is the best option. It promotes robust amplification, high yield and high specificity. In certain cases Master Mix BLUE C is the best option.