New for 2023! hth ® easiflo ® 10 FIRST!
The chlorine dispenser for small semi-public and residential swimming pools, made in STEIEL!
Suitable for the disinfection of hotel and spa swimming pools, easy to install and maintain , designed to generate a ready-to-use chlorinated solution from hth ® easiflo ® calcium hypochlorite briquettes , which also contain an anti-scale additive.
Ideal for installation in small technical rooms , it is equipped with an overflow control that stops the dispenser to prevent product spills.
To be used in combination with an automatic control unit, to ensure always healthy and safe water in your pool!
The skills and professionalism of STEIEL and hth ® have joined together to guarantee a complete and quality service for swimming pool water.
STEIEL today produces the entire range of easiflo ® hth ® dosers, devices which, starting from calcium hypochlorite briquettes , generate on-demand a ready-to-use chlorinated solution to disinfect swimming pool water.
It is undoubtedly a valid alternative to solution products whose biocidal power decreases over time, furthermore it does not release cyanuric acid and requires a lower acid supply to stabilize the pH.
To adapt to different pool sizes and bather loads, various sizes of easiflo ® FIRST dosers are available, with different biocide product loading capacities .
They can be controlled by a STEIEL control unit equipped with a measuring system, which monitors the chlorine level in the pool and activates its production when it falls below the required threshold.
easiflo ® FIRST dosers are easy and safe to install and use, require minimal maintenance and optimise chemical dosing, with no waste.
The skills and professionalism of STEIEL and hth ® have joined together to guarantee a complete and quality service for water disinfection.
STEIEL produces easiflo ® IP hth ® dosers , devices which, starting from calcium hypochlorite briquettes , generate a ready-to-use chlorinated solution for the multi-point disinfection of water in pipes or tanks, thanks to dosing via external pump(s).
To adapt to different needs, three sizes of easiflo ® IP dosers are available, with different biocide product loading capacities .
They are equipped with a control panel that controls all the electrical functions of the system.
easiflo ® IP dosers are easy and safe to install and use, require minimal maintenance and optimise chemical dosing, with no waste.