The unique integration of the highly sensitive IMS-detector into the Agilent Micro GC 490 opens up new horizons and applications when it comes to sub-ppm detection of volatiles in gases.
The Agilent 490 Micro GC is used for various process or field use related applications mostly where a 24/7 monitoring is requested, like: natural gas analysis/calorific value determination, biogas, bulk and trace analysis of refinery gas, stack gas, trace analysis of low sulfur in natural gas, oxygenates, halogenates, and HCN.
As legislative and customer requirements are continuously increasing G.A.S. mbH engineered its sophisticated Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS) to fit into a 490 Micro GC channel. Advanced IMS electronics and adapted processing algorithms are developed to enable an optimal interfacing. The customized IMS-channel takes up the sample from the non-destructive Thermal Coductivity Detector‘s (TCD) vent and connects it to the IMS detector using a temperature controlled UltiMetal coated transfer line.
Various further applications are under continuous development at G.A.S. and its customers. Corresponding development of methods for new substances of interest are optimized with regard to their analytical and relevant on-site parameters.