The stand alone plug-and-play IMS as OEM module enables a versatile use or coupling of the IMS-technology in new fields.
The stand alone plug-and-play IMS as OEM module enables a versatile use or coupling of the IMS-technology in new fields.
Besides the price advantage compared to fully equipped instruments, this stand-alone module allows to configure a customized system including IMS technology. G.A.S.’ OEM module can be coupled to any GC systems or alternatively a membrane inlet system, thermo desorption unit, SPME or needle trap can be used. Samples are ionized by using a tritium source with an intensity below the excemption limits of the EU directive 29/96 EURATOM. Power input is 24 V DC and digital USB 2.0 high speed digital interface is used for output. Introduction of the sample is realized by using a 1/16“ sample line. The device can be heated up to 100 °C and has provide resolution of ~ 100. Parameters of the IMS module are controlled by an external software made by G.A.S..
Advantages are:
High reproducibility < 3 % for peak intensity and < 1 % for drift times
Operation with nitrogen or synthetic air