In modern sugar factories, reliable and accurate analysis methods are necessary to provide customers with products of highest and – what is most important – consistent quality. In order to be most competitive in the world market, consistent high yields, top sugar quality control and low production costs are the objectives that need to be achieved.
Designed as a modular system, the SpectraAlyzer SUGAR analysis solution presents the quantitative analytical results of major quality parameters (dry matter, sucrose content, purity, ash content, glucose / fructose content) and many others within 45 seconds. There is no need to manually condition the sample and extra reagents do not have to be used so this sugar analysis provides highly accurate quality control parameters at no extra cost.
In sugar production processes, it is necessary to analyze samples at different stages of the production chain. In this process different physical sample states occur, such as. liquids, viscose samples and granules. For the analysis of these different sample types the SpectraAlyzer SUGAR offers the possibility to use two different drawers. With the liquid drawer, liquids can be easily pumped into the measuring cell and be analyzed. For the standard drawer, there are a variety of sample cups that are specifically designed for different samples. Some examples are listed left but ZEUTEC can help you define the most suitable sample cups for your products and application.
As a stand alone system the SpectraAlyzer SUGAR can be operated very easily and intuitively – even close to the production line. The rugged construction and unique optical sample/reference setup ensures reliable operation in environments with fluctuating temperatures, vibrations and dust.
The SpectraAlyzer SUGAR analyzer comes with many ready to use calibrations and a powerful software package to facilitate calibration fine tuning and extensive and automated logging as well as database storage of the analytical results on the analyzer, within the company intranet and/or the internet.

NIR sample/reference technology
like all SpectraAlyzer® instruments for high sensitive and long term stable measurements.
Versatile sample presentation
by means of a syringe, a pump, or an autosampler.
User friendly
sample presentation and easy to operate.
Compact design
optimised for bench top or at-line application.
Touch user interface
and intrinsically mounted glass touch for straight forward hygenic instrument operation.
Many mathematical models
for all kind of products included for quick calibration models installation and start-up.
Web server
web connectivity for direct instrument access via LAN and internet from anywhere, any time.