Flash Point Tester

Petroleum Test and Oil Test Equipment

Abel Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

Autoignition Apparatus

Automatic Abel Flash Point Tester

Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Automatic Microscale Continuously Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Tester

Rapid Closed Cup Flash Tester

Rapid Open Cup Flash Tester

Tag Closed Cup Flash Tester

Tag Open Cup Flash Tester

flash point tester

Abel Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

The Abel Closed cup flash point tester is used primarily to test flammable and combustible materials for shipping and safety regulations

Autoignition Apparatus

Modified crucible furnace with digital thermocouple readout of flask temperature at prescribed points per ASTM specifications.

Automatic Abel Flash Point Tester

The automated Abel flash point tester is used primarily to test flammable and combustible materials for shipping and safety regulations.

Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

The automated Cleveland Open Cup flash point tester accurately determines flash and fire point temperatures of viscous petroleum products including oils and bitumens over an extended temperature range.

Automatic Microscale Continuously Closed Cup Flash Point Analyzer

The Koehler K24880 Microscale Continuously Closed Cup Flash Point Tester works in the following manner. The temperature of the analyzer is adjusted to at least 18 °C below the expected flash point

Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

The system software runs on an integrated processor PC running the latest Windows operating system.

Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods.

Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Determines flash and fire points by the Cleveland Open- Cup method. Consists of test flame applicator, brass test cup, thermometer support, heating plate and electric heater.

Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Tester

Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Tester determines flash points of a wide range of products by a closed cup method with two option speed stirring of the sample.

Rapid Closed Cup Flash Tester

Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample.

Rapid Open-Cup Flash Tester

Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample.

Tag Closed Cup Flash Tester

It determines flash points of liquid products by the Tag Closed Cup method. Features stepless variable heat control with reference dial for accurate repeat setting of temperature rate of rise per specifications.

Tag Open Cup Flash Tester

It determines Tag Open Cup flash point of liquid products and cutback asphalts

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