Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analysis Solutions

bod am 300 series

AM 300 Series

BOD AM 122

BOD AM 122

BOD Mini

Manual BOD

BOD Analysis

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), also often referred to as biological oxygen demand, is a test performed to measure the potential of wastewater and other waters to deplete the oxygen level of receiving waters. In other words, the BOD test is performed to determine what effect dirty water, containing bacteria and organic materials, will have on animal and plant life when released into a stream or lake.

NEW: Automated BOD with 10 minute BOD estimator Packages – ALL in ONE

Automated BOD5 with 10-Minute BOD Estimator Package

MANTECH is pleased to announce the release of a New Automated Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analysis Package including the Rapid 10-minute BOD Estimator. This combination of 5-day automation and rapid estimation provides the ideal solution for streamlining large-scale BOD5 analysis and freeing up technicians time in the lab. It also provides the clients of BOD5 results with on-the-spot results to make critical decisions.  A key advantage is the FAST BOD can be analyzed simultaneously while the Automated BOD Analyzer is running the Standard Method test.

BOD5 analysis is a staple of wastewater monitoring, and can be found in almost every commercial laboratory analyzing environmental samples. The 5-day test has a large list of rules regarding sample handling, preparation, storage, and analysis. Timing is absolutely critical for the BOD test, as the Oxygen Demand of any given sample is known to change quickly over time. Another major factor is the dilution factor used during sample preparation. Because of the tight acceptance criteria for the dissolved oxygen measurements taken before/after the 5-day incubation period, it is very common for numerous attempts at the test to be invalid, and it is not possible to re-run the BOD5 test if the final DO reading is found to be invalid. When all these factors are considered with large commercial and municipal laboratories running the test, it can put a great amount of pressure on technicians and operators to ensure all bottles are tracked, prepared, diluted, and analyzed properly.

This new Automated BOD Package is the answer to addressing these challenges while also increasing throughput and efficiency. The 10-minute BOD estimation via PeCOD allows technicians to quickly estimate the BOD of incoming samples, greatly reducing overall bottle numbers by running only one or two dilutions for each sample while also guaranteeing a valid result. As they get their estimated results, they simply pipette sample volume into the standard BOD bottles according to the required dilution. PeCOD and BOD software packages run simultaneously so results can easily be viewed and used for setting up the BOD runs. Once the bottles are placed, the operator just clicks GO, and the Automated BOD system prepares each sample and performs initial readings. PC-BOD software tracks results and reminds operators when samples are due for final readings.

MANTECH has thousands of analyzers operating in environmental and soil testing laboratories, generating >500,000 results every day.  The analyzers are trusted by accredited laboratories and factories to deliver high quality results that protect the environment and public health while optimizing the performance of operations.  This new exclusive package continues in MANTECH’s mission to protect the environment and optimizing your results!

BOD Models and Specifications

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